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DR Slick Fly Tyer Gift set

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Dr Slick Fly Tying Tools Gift Set with Fly Box Combo The Dr Slick Company was founded in 1989 by a surgeon with a passion for Fly Fishing and Fly Tying.

The idea for his fly fishing and Fly Tying tools were designed to emulate the high quality of the specialized tools used by surgeons and then modified for fly tying and streamside uses. Designed by fishermen, for fishermen, you'll find innovative and unique tools to suit your tying and angling needs.

If you want precision tools made to last, you'll want DR. SLICK Product Features Dr Slick fly tying kit is conveniently packaged in the foam lining in the back of a large fly box. You get the most essential fly tying tools geared toward both the novice and the expert fly tyer all in one gift set. All Dr Slick instruments undergo a 6-step inspection process to ensure the highest quality possible. Perfect as a gift, a fly tying tool kit for beginners or a personal gift to yourself.